On Yom Kippur we say Viduy and Al Cheit multiple times, again and again admitting to our failures, our misdeeds, how we slipped up in the past year. We confess our wrongdoings and ask […]
Judaism 101
Besides the written and oral Torah which Moses received directly from G-d at Mount Sinai, there are many Rabbinic decrees and ordinances which we must follow. Some examples include the […]
The main topic of the book of Vayikra (Leviticus) is the korbanos, sacrificial service. This is a topic that is generally poorly understood and one that is often surrounded by […]
The eight part in our ongoing series on shemiras halashon by Mrs. Tova Younger. Another concept that serves as a deterrent to speaking lashon hara (prohibited slanderous speech) is some […]
Josh recently lost his job in the economic downturn. He had no idea where he would get the money to pay his mortgage and bills. As his meager savings were […]