This week’s Torah reading, Parshas Behar, warns us of the terrible curses that will befall the Jewish Nation as a whole if we God forbid forsake the Torah and become […]
This week’s Torah reading discusses various forbidden relationships, prefacing the topic with a warning that one should not get near such repulsive activities. Rabeinu Yonah (Shaa’rei Teshuvah, 3:80) explains that […]
In this week’s Torah reading, Parshas Metzorah, the Torah details the process of purification of the “Metzorah” – someone who was afflicted with Tzara’as (a specific kind of skin disease) […]
At the end of this week’s Torah portion, Shmini, the Torah lists the various types of animals which are kosher, and those which are not kosher. Amongst the forbidden foods […]
This week’s Torah reading summarizes the contributions and the labor that went into building the Mishkan (Tabernacle) and providing the necessary items for its various functions. Towards the bottom of […]
In addition to the regular Torah reading this week, we read Parshat Parah, which is about the Parah Adumah (the Red Heifer). If one was rendered impure as a result […]
This week, in addition to the regular Torah reading, we read ParshasShkalim. At the time when the Holy Temple was actively functioning, around this time of year, an announcement was […]
This week’s Torah reading begins by telling us that Jethro, Moses’s father-in-law, heard about the great experiences the Jews had experienced since they left Egypt and was inspired to join […]
As this week’s Torah reading describes the Jews’ exodus from Egypt, theTorah tells us (13:19) that Moses made sure to take Joseph’s bones with them.In reference to this deed of […]
This week’s Torah reading continues to discuss the ten plagues theEgyptians were afflicted with. As Moses visits Pharaoh to warn him about thenext plague, Moses challenges Pharaoh in the name […]